Monday, December 1, 2014
First Posted at 1:43 PM
Because I love writing in my journal, I thought I'd make an online journal. This way, I can put up photos that intrigue me on here instead of printing them out and wasting paper, just to glue it into my regular journal.

No, I'm not new at this online blog diary thing. I've been doing it for quite a few years but took an extended break a year or two ago. I'm back now and I don't intend on ever leaving again. For now, this blog stays anonymous just in case someone who actually knows me reads this blog. I have many opinions on everything and instead of just ignoring those opinions and keeping them to myself, I'd rather write it all down so that the wiser, older me can look back and reminisce on my younger self.

A few rules for myself though must be in place:

  1. Tell no one of my secret diary unless I 100% trust that person. If that person proves to be untrustworthy, change the URL.
  2. No shit talking about anyone. Nothing good ever comes from talking badly about someone.
  3. Don't use real names. That'll give away too much of myself. Use initials.
  4. Post everyday. Skipping a post is what drifted me away from my blog journals. Stick to it this time.
All rights reserved your blog

All you need to know is my first name starts with H. Hopefully, I'll start to get comfortable with this anonymous blog and reveal more things about myself. But for now, I wish to hide my identity.

Lover of nature, kindness, and light. ❀
☾Moon dust☽ in your lungs
✵stars✵ in your eyes
you are a child of the cosmos☄
and ruler of ☁ skies

Rad Things ✾
Here, I'll put up links to things I think are totally relevant, cool, amusing, or important. It'd mean a lot to me if you would check these out. x

how wolves change weather could you live in a tiny home
talk to me ♁
If you would like to contact me, just to talk about your life, discuss your thoughts on my opinions, or because you're feeling alone and you need another soul to interact with, chat with me down here!
Layout by mymostloved with script, background and image.